Pixalate Announces General Availability of Ad Fraud Prevention API with Pay-As-You-Go Pricing for Website, Mobile and Connected TV App Developers

London, UK, Oct. 30, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Pixalate, the global market–leading ad fraud protection, privacy, and compliance analytics platform, today announced general availability of its self–service Ad Fraud Prevention API. With no annual commitments or upfront costs, developers and publishers of all sizes can access Pixalate's reliable and low–latency solution to easily scale and grow.

Pixalate APIs are powered by the company's MRC–accredited Analytics platform. Accreditation areas include sophisticated invalid traffic (SIVT) detection & filtration for both display and video across Connected TV (CTV), mobile app, mobile web, and desktop.

Access to MRC–accredited ad fraud prevention tools has historically been limited to large, enterprise sized publishers & developers. Pixalate's self–service API gives smaller developers an upper hand to scale their platforms by protecting existing ad revenue streams and fortifying the integrity of their advertising inventory against bad actors.

Using most globally–accepted credit cards, customers can sign up in minutes, choose the plan that's right for them, and immediately incorporate Pixalate's ad fraud prevention insights into their apps. Subscriptions start at $99 a month and give developers the freedom to adjust based on usage. When a customer exceeds a plan's usage quota, consumption–based pricing kicks in without any interruption to the service.

Key Benefits Include:

  • Reduce clawbacks. Protects publishers & developers' revenue by taking steps to improve ad traffic quality.
  • Align with major exchanges. Enable developers to use the same ad fraud technology as major exchanges.
  • Combat ad fraud. Prevents 40+ types of invalid traffic (IVT) & fraud vectors that harm app traffic quality.
  • Prevent getting blocklisted. Bake fraud prevention into apps from the ground up.
  • Billing Dashboard. View real–time API usage and charges on the billing dashboard.
  • Ease of Integration. With just a few clicks, any developer can sign up with a freemium plan and begin integrating the APIs with a few lines of code.

API Input Parameters:

  • IP address: Analyzes an IP address (either IPv4 or IPv6) to check for any associated risks.
  • Device Identifier: Examines the device identifier to detect any abnormalities or signs of fraudulent activity.
  • User Agent: Evaluates the user agent data to identify potentially malicious software or bots.

API Output Parameters:

  • Fraud Risk Assessment: Subscribers can request a risk score from Pixalate's servers to gauge the likelihood of an IP, Device ID, or User Agent being compromised or engaged in malicious activity.

Platforms Supported

  • Websites
  • Mobile (iOS, Android)
  • Connected TV (Roku, Fire TV, Samsung, LG, tvOS and more)


  • iOS
  • Android

To learn more about the Ad Trust & Safety API suite, visit https://developer.pixalate.com.

About Pixalate
Pixalate is the market–leading fraud protection, privacy, and compliance analytics platform for Connected TV (CTV) and Mobile Advertising. We work 24/7 to guard your reputation and grow your media value. Pixalate offers the only system of coordinated solutions across display, app, video, and CTV for better detection and elimination of ad fraud. Pixalate is an MRC–accredited service for the detection and filtration of sophisticated invalid traffic (SIVT) across desktop and mobile web, mobile in–app, and CTV advertising.

Media Contact: press@pixalate.com


As used herein, and per the Media Rating Council, Inc. (MRC), “'Fraud' is not intended to represent fraud as defined in various laws, statutes and ordinances or as conventionally used in U.S. Court or other legal proceedings, but rather a custom definition strictly for advertising measurement purposes;” and “'Invalid Traffic' is defined generally as traffic that does not meet certain ad serving quality or completeness criteria, or otherwise does not represent legitimate ad traffic that should be included in measurement counts. Among the reasons why ad traffic may be deemed invalid is it is a result of non–human traffic (spiders, bots, etc.), or activity designed to produce fraudulent traffic.”

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8968701)

King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre Alcança Marco Médico com o Primeiro Transplante Totalmente Robótico de Fígado de Doador Vivo do Mundo

RIADE, Arábia Saudita, Oct. 30, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Em uma conquista histrica, a equipe do Organ Transplant Center of Excellence (OTCoE) do King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (KFSH&RC) realizou com sucesso o primeiro transplante totalmente robtico de fgado de doador vivo do mundo no Reino da Arbia Saudita – uma conquista que solidifica a posio do KFSH&RC como lder global em cirurgia de transplante minimamente invasiva.

A abordagem pioneira do KFSH&RC empregou uma tecnologia robtica de ponta para realizar as cirurgias do doador e do receptor com preciso e mnima invaso, eliminando a necessidade de uma abordagem hbrida. Enquanto outros centros oferecem transplantes de fgado minimamente invasivos com o uso de tcnicas mistas, o KFSH&RC o nico centro que realizou com sucesso uma cirurgia de transplante totalmente robtico de fgado de doador vivo.

Esta conquista representa um salto significativo na histria do transplante, um testemunho do compromisso do centro com as prticas avanadas que aprimoram os resultados dos cuidados de sade, melhoram a experincia do paciente e aumentam a eficincia operacional do hospital. Isso tudo tambm levou a uma reduo do risco de complicaes, do tempo de recuperao e do tempo de internao hospitalar.

Como parceiro estratgico de sade na Global Health Exhibition realizada em Riade de 29 a 31 de outubro, o KFSH&RC apresenta as suas mais recentes inovaes no frum. Os participantes obtero insights sobre a experincia da OTCoE na aplicao de tecnologias de ponta para expandir as possibilidades de assistncia mdica.

O KFSH&RC estabeleceu recordes na realizao bem–sucedida de transplantes renais recprocos, uma abordagem mdica que facilita os transplantes renais simultneos entre dois doadores de famlias diferentes. Em 2022, o programa alcanou um marco notvel ao completar 91 transplantes recprocos, superando suas contrapartes internacionais.

A OTCoE do KFSH&RC pioneira no Reino, com uma das instalaes mais avanadas e abrangentes de transplante de mltiplos rgos do Oriente Mdio. Seus servios abrangem transplantes de rim, fgado, pulmo, pncreas e intestino, coletivamente chamados de transplante de rgos slidos.

O KFSH&RC reconhecido mundialmente por suas contribuies para com o cuidado de sade especializado, compromisso com a inovao e dedicao pesquisa e educao mdica avanada. Alm disso, o KFSH&RC tem um firme compromisso com o desenvolvimento de tecnologias mdicas que elevem o padro do cuidado da sade em todo o mundo, por meio de colaboraes com as principais instituies locais, regionais e internacionais. E tambm um compromisso com a entrega de servios clnicos, de pesquisa e educacionais em todo o mundo.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8968625)