Publication Relative à une Notification de Transparence


Publication Relative une Notification de Transparence

Mont–Saint–Guibert (Belgique), le 8 dcembre 2023, 22:30h CET / 16:30pm ET "" Conformment l'article 14 de la loi du 2 mai 2007 relative la publicit des participations importantes, Nyxoah SA (Euronext Brussels/Nasdaq : NYXH) annonce qu'elle a reu une notification de transparence comme dtaill ci–dessous.

Le 6 dcembre 2023, Nyxoah a reu une notification de transparence de Deerfield Partners, L.P. indiquant que Deerfield Partners, L.P. a franchi le seuil de 3% le 30 novembre 2023, aprs laquelle Deerfield Partners, L.P. dtient 856.085 actions, reprsentant 2,99% du nombre total des droits de vote en date du 30 novembre 2023 (28.673.985).

La notification date du 6 dcembre 2023 contient les informations suivantes :

  • Motif de la notification :
    • Acquisition ou cession de titres confrant le droit de vote ou de droits de vote
    • Franchissement vers le bas du seuil minimum
  • Notification par : une entreprise mre ou une personne dtenant le contrle
  • Personne tenue la notification :
    • James E. Flynn
    • Deerfield Partners, L.P. (avec adresse 345 Park Ave S., 12th FL, New York, NY 10010 Etats Unis)
    • Deerfield Mgmt, L.P. (avec adresse 345 Park Ave S., 12th FL, New York, NY 10010 Etats Unis)
    • J.E. Flynn Capital, LLC (avec adresse 345 Park Ave S., 12th FL, New York, NY 10010 Etats Unis)
    • Deerfield Management Company, L.P. (avec adresse 345 Park Ave S., 12th FL, New York, NY 10010 Etats Unis)
    • Flynn Management LLC (avec adresse 345 Park Ave S., 12th FL, New York, NY 10010 Etats Unis)
  • Date du dpassement de seuil : le 30 novembre 2023
  • Seuil franchi : 3%
  • Dnominateur : 28.673.985
  • Dtails de la notification :
A) Droits de vote Notification prcdente Aprs l'opration
# droits de vote # de droits de vote % de droits de vote
Dtenteurs de droits de vote Attachs des titres Non lis des titres Attachs des titres Non lis des titres
James E. Flynn 0 0 0 0,00% 0,00%
Deerfield Partners, L.P. 899.300 856.085 0 2,99% 0,00%
Sous–total 899.300 856.085 2,99%
TOTAL 856.085 0 2,99% 0,00%
  • Chane complte des entreprises contrles par l'intermdiaire desquelles la participation est effectivement dtenue : Deerfield Partners, L.P. est contrle par (i) Deerfield Mgmt L.P., qui est contrle par J.E. Flynn Capital, LLC et (ii) Deerfield Management Company, L.P., qui est contrle par Flynn Management LLC. Tant Flynn Management LLC que J.E. Flynn Capital, LLC sont contrles par James E. Flynn.
  • Information supplmentaire : cession d'actions par Deerfield Partners, L.P.


* *

Contact :
David DeMartino, Chief Strategy Officer
+1 310 310 1313

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000903425)

Publication Relating to a Transparency Notification


Publication Relating to a Transparency Notification

Mont–Saint–Guibert (Belgium), December 8, 2023, 10.30pm CET / 4.30pm ET "" In accordance with article 14 of the Act of 2 May 2007 on the disclosure of large shareholdings, Nyxoah SA (Euronext Brussels/Nasdaq: NYXH) announces that it received a transparency notification as detailed below.

On December 6, 2023, Nyxoah received a transparency notification from Deerfield Partners, L.P. indicating that Deerfield Partners, L.P. crossed the 3% threshold on November 30, 2023, after which Deerfield Partners, L.P. holds 856,085 shares, representing 2.99% of the total number of voting rights on November 30, 2023 (28,673,985).

The notification dated December 6, 2023 contains the following information:

  • Reason for the notification:
    • Acquisition or disposal of voting securities or voting rights
    • Downward crossing of the lowest threshold
  • Notification by: a parent undertaking or a controlling person
  • Persons subject to the notification requirement:
    • James E. Flynn
    • Deerfield Partners, L.P. (with address at 345 Park Ave S., 12th FL, New York, NY 10010 United States)
    • Deerfield Mgmt, L.P. (with address at 345 Park Ave S., 12th FL, New York, NY 10010 United States)
    • J.E. Flynn Capital, LLC (with address at 345 Park Ave S., 12th FL, New York, NY 10010 United States)
    • Deerfield Management Company, L.P. (with address at 345 Park Ave S., 12th FL, New York, NY 10010 United States)
    • Flynn Management LLC (with address at 345 Park Ave S., 12th FL, New York, NY 10010 United States)
  • Date on which the threshold was crossed: November 30, 2023
  • Threshold that is crossed: 3%
  • Denominator: 28,673,985
  • Notified details:
A) Voting rights Previous notification After the transaction
# of voting rights # of voting rights % of voting rights
Holders of voting rights Linked to securities Not linked to the
Linked to securities Not linked to the
James E. Flynn 0 0 0 0.00% 0.00%
Deerfield Partners, L.P. 899,300 856,085 0 2.99% 0.00%
Subtotal 899,300 856,085 2.99%
TOTAL 856,085 0 2.99% 0.00%
  • Chain of controlled undertakings through which the holding is effectively held: Deerfield Partners, L.P. is controlled by (i) Deerfield Mgmt L.P., which is controlled by J.E. Flynn Capital, LLC and (ii) Deerfield Management Company, L.P., which is controlled by Flynn Management LLC. Both Flynn Management LLC and J.E. Flynn Capital, LLC are controlled by James E. Flynn.
  • Additional information: a sale of shares by Deerfield Partners, L.P.


* *

David DeMartino, Chief Strategy Officer
+1 310 310 1313


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000903425)